
Refered’s most recent case studies found the following results:

Participation of Employees

  • Company 1
    • 64 out of 120 employees participate in Refered
    • Results: 28 connections
  • Company 2
    • 68 out of 68 employees participate in Refered
    • Results: 13 connections
  • Company 3
    • 336 out of 368 employees participate in Refered
    • Results: 23 connections

Length Employees Stay on Program

  • Company 1
    • Permanently (even after job termination)
  • Company 2
    • While their employment is active
  • Company 3
    • Employee must maintain certain level of performance or hours worked to keep Refered benefit

Employee Referral After Job Termination

  • Company 1
    • 10% of former employees continue to refer employees through Refered
  • Company 2
    • Zero (0) referrals—former employees are unable to refer employees through Refered
  • Company 3
    • Zero (0) referrals— former employees are unable to refer employees through Refered

What is HIPAA compliance?

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) sets the standard for sensitive patient data protection. Companies that deal with protected health information (PHI) must have physical, network, and process security measures in place and follow them to ensure HIPAA Compliance. Covered entities (anyone providing treatment, payment, and operations in healthcare) and business associates (anyone who has access to patient information and provides support in treatment, payment, or operations) must meet HIPAA Compliance. Other entities, such as subcontractors and any other related business associates must also be in compliance.

Who needs to be HIPAA compliant?

According to HIPAA, if you belong to the category of “covered entities” or “business associates,” and you handle “protected health information (PHI),” you and your business are required to be HIPAA-compliant. “Covered entities” describes U.S. health plans, health care clearinghouses, and health care providers.
What data does Refered collect?
Refered only collects the following data provided by the client (you): Employee Names, Employee ID is provided (at random) unless changed by the client (you), hours worked weekly, bi-weekly or an aggregate. Refered reports include total bonuses paid to employees (weekly, monthly, quarterly, YTD and lifetime), Turnover rates, User/Employee logins, Employee referral report. Refered does not share or sell any platform data.

Our most popular tiered levels are $0.50 and $0.25.

Firms may choose put fliers up, send out mail or emails, and post on social media to promote this benefit with their staff. HR Departments also will review benefits during new employee onboarding or hold “lunch and learns” to help educate staff.

Employees will see the Refered Bonus “line item” weekly in their paycheck!



Each employee account will need a personal or business email address to have an account set up.

The Tiers are payment levels, for example. Employee 1 is hired he/she refers Employee 2 (Tier 1 for Employee 1). Employee 2 refers Employee 3 (Tier 1 for Employee 2 and Tier 2 for Employee 1) and so on.

Refered will not contact any employees registered with Refered.

The employer will have the ability to edit any monetary incentive within the employees profile. You will be able to zero out any money at the employee level.

Refered will do the initial setup of the account and will add as many employees as you see fit. After that, the employer account is set up and the employer is trained and will be able to add employees as they are hired.


For Company Managers

Click on the “Employees” link in the left sidebar.
Using the search bar near the top of the page, or the page navigation near the bottom, find the employee you wish to reactivate and click their name.
Locate the “Reactivate User” link directly underneath the Employee’s profile image and click it.

Locate the User menu in the right side of the top navigation bar and click it.
From the User menu dropdown, select “Settings” by clicking it.
This will load the Admin/Manager settings page.
To upload a new profile image, first click either the red circle with a white pencil icon in the top right hand corner of the screen, or click the button labeled “Edit” in the bottom right hand corner of the first information card.
Click the profile image input located in the blue outlined circle on the left hand side of the page.
This will bring up a file upload dialog, use this to locate the image you wish to upload as a profile image. (Tip: An image square dimensions will be the most visually appealing.)
Once the image in the profile image input has changed, click either the red circle with a white cloud checkbox icon in the top right hand corner of the screen, or click the red button labeled “Submit” in the bottom right hand corner of the information card to save your changes.

While on the “Dashboard” page, locate the post or job listing you wish to delete.
Click the “Read More” link in the bottom right hand side of the post or job listing.
Once the single job or post listing screen has loaded, locate the “Edit” link in the bottom right hand side of the page and click it.
Locate the Trash Can icon in the bottom right hand side of the modal window and click it.
Click “Delete” in the confirmation modal to confirm deletion of the post or job listing.

Click on the “Employees” link in the left sidebar.
Using the search bar near the top of the page, or the page navigation near the bottom, find the employee you wish to delete and click their name.
Locate the red “Delete User” link directly underneath the Employee’s profile image and click it.

Refer. Reward. Retain.

See how Refered® can improve your employee retention rate by 25% or more.